eParcel is Australia Post’s online freight management tool which helps you manage your shipping more efficiently and assist your business with:
- Consignment management
- Tracking services
- Barcoded labels
- Delivery manifests
- Online tracking and delivery notifications for both sender and recipient
- Flexible pricing for increased volumes
- Transit cover if your parcels are lost or damaged
- A full suite of managed reports
How eParcel works with your eCommerce Shop
- Create a consignment for your parcels, by providing the required information on our easy to use online form. Check the form once you’ve filled it in. You can change and edit as necessary.
- Save your consignment information and then download the labels.
- Print and attach the labels to your parcels.
- Despatch your consignments using the online system. This will send the information directly to the lodgement facility, and provide a print manifest report for you to print.
- Lodge your parcels and the printed manifest report with your driver or at an Australia Post retail outlet.
- The lodgement facility will check your parcels against the paper manifest you provide with the one that’s been received electronically, and record the arrival date and time of your parcels.
- Parcels matching the manifest information are accepted and begin their journey. If there’s a mismatch of information, your consignment will be placed on hold until the issue is resolved.